Thursday, June 16, 2011

Requiem for a Blog

My heart is broken, my eyes full of tears, my soul heavy and my mouth full of croissant (ok it’s not relevant but it’s morning, and I‘m French)….

So now I am sure you are asking, what’s happening? This croissant is much too expensive, and now I know the real reason for this international economic crisis. But the crisis is nothing compared to the bad news I’m about to tell you…

This post is the final post of my blog…. I know, it’s verrrrrrrrry difficult to read these words but all good thing must come to an end. Please don’t jump out the window, run out into traffic or worse melt your brain watching “Jersey Shore” on TV.

Instead, go on my website where you will find all the things you loved about my blog reincarnated as News, Gallery, Current Work and very soon, the Picture(s) of the Week.

When I say reincarnation, don’t imagine a zombie from the “Thriller” music video, but something more perfect and evolved like the phoenix rising from the ashes, as in the Harry Potter movie if you have no imagination (but now I am not sure the latter is a good example….. I don’t know what is worse; a zombie dancing in the street or a boy whining his way through 8 movies).

So see you soon on my website, and thank you for loyally reading my blog and for your continued support.

Friday, April 15, 2011


When you sing, you could have three results. First, the manufacturers of cochlear implants will employ you for life. The second is “yes it’s ok, it’s nice”, in a same tone as “Could you pass the salt please...” The third reaction is; you could find employment in a hair waxing salon and make a fortune. Why ? Because your voice is so perfect, than when you are singing, people’s hair stands on end, and now it’s very easy to remove. (Work with me people!!!!) Or if your name is Carlos Aznarez you could just sing like an angel and be totally brilliant.

I met Carlos, a few months ago, and immediately I liked this guy. The first reason is that we have the same first name. I think this name is a mark of distinction, intelligence, class and of course modesty (One of us has more of the final quality than the other. Guess who?). The second reason is simple, Carlos (not me, the other one) is really, really nice (humph, come to think of it, so am I, so forget the parentheses).

At Christmas I brought Carlos to a friend’s party to sing. His performance is still in everyone’s mind. I have had the chance to spend some time with him, and take some portraits of this talented tenor, singer/composer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last Saturday I exposed myself to the general public… At the same time I showed some of my work and tried to sell myself and my work. What a surprise, people liked my photographs and even bought some. Why are my photographs more interesting than me? (Remember, I am French and I must take care of my “big fat ego”…)

So more seriously, at this event, one thing was verrrrrrrry interesting (expect me of course), it was…… the food!!!!! I became a sushi addict. Free buffet (means extensive dieting after), all you can eat (means “I am not feeling very well right now, can I go outside for some fresh air”…) And at the moment when your stomach was working harder than your brain, some bands were playing good music. I was happy to be a part of the reenactment of a roman banquet …

Even more seriously, this was public’s first glimpse of some of the photographs from “The Human Face of Science”. The reactions were very good, positive and enthusiastic. Thank you very much, but if I can send this personal message to one of my fans: ”Please go home and don’t stay camped out under my windows, and don’t keeps stalking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’ . To the others, see you at the official exhibition…. Soon… Congratulations to the organizers, Labapalooza was an amazing success.

(for one time it's not my pictures...)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Electric Dreams

Three weeks ago, I launched my new website . Thank you to the 76 Facebook addicts who have clicked on “I like”. In addition to pleasing your gregarious social networking instincts, you have helped me to have a higher ranking on the search engines. Merci, Merci……..

Friday, March 25, 2011

Marathon Man

Last Sunday I was hired to take pictures of the New York City Half Marathon. I was lucky because the press agency gave me an accredited press pass. Imagine the frustration of the security guard who saw me go back and forth several times waving my official pass at him just for the pure pleasure of being able to do so.

I have proof that the marathon runners do not come from the same planet as us, or at least as me. Firstly, they are in shorts and tee shirts while I was following my Inuit fashion sense favoring pants, sweater, thick socks, and a heavy jacket. The guy who was cold was not who you’d think. The second proof is that the first man over the finishing line completed the race in 1hour 23 seconds and the first woman’s time was 1 hour 8 minutes 51 seconds. Just in this case, and don’t read anything else into this, I will compare my performance to the woman runner. In 1 hour 8 minutes I would just have time to go to the boulangerie ,and after to stop by the post office, chit chat with the postman and walk home watching the squirrels in the trees. In other words…another world!

In conclusion, I have decided to prepare myself to run with the winning guy next year…or not. (I guess not).

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Human face of the science

As you may know, I have started a photo project entitled "The human face of science".
By taking artistic black and white portraits of scientists, I'm trying to show their human nature, to make scientists closer and more available for the public opinion and to change the cliché image of the 'mad scientist'.
This collection of portraits is designed for an exhibition or in a further future for a book about scientists. Each picture will have a caption explaining the human side of the scientist as I have seen it.

Several scientists and students from CSHL have already accepted to pose for the project. I have tried to capture their very specific habits, expression or hobbies.
You can view these pictures at :

I'm still looking for scientists to pose and I would be delighted if you joined the club.
I'm looking for people with an interesting history or hobby.
Please let me know if you would be interested. Please do not hesitate to say no if it's the case.

I will be setting up my photo studio at the piano room in Davenport the week of January 10th.

Please let me know if you could come and when so that I can organize a schedule for you and for me.

The typical photo shooting takes less than 5 min, however I appreciate discussing with the people just before the shooting in order to better know them and capture their spirit. The whole process usually does not take more than 20min.
That would be great if you could bring any accessory that you think defines your personality or your hobby (outside of science!).

Please feel free to forward this email to other scientists that may be interested.