When I was a child, I was passionate about space, the planets, aliens, the moon (according to my mum I was always on the moon at this time). The sun had first place on my list of interest.
If you think it's because, without sun, no life is possible, a realization that came to me when I was three or four, I must thank you, because obviously you recognize me as a genius… But that’s not the reason. Perhaps, it’s because it's the biggest ''object'' in our universe ? negative... Because every day they are massive explosions on the sun ? Nope, I was not violent (remember I was on the moon). It's just cool ? no, no no and no........ I loved the sun, because the sun was the father of my first enemy, my first riddle, and my first curiosity..... my shadow !!!
If you want to keep the same image of me in your head, (smart, funny, smart, curious, smart, interesting, smart, sociable, did I say smart ? and very humble ?), I suggest that you stop reading, because it's really me and you don't need to know me any better. For the rest of you, I am sure our friendship will not have any future... Psychologists, please stop reading this ! I don't want to take a vacation in a loony bin...
So one day, I discovered my shadow ! It was very disturbing. Someone was following me all day. At the beginning I was very proud. I was sure it meant I was special. Then I realized all my family had one too, and all our friends, and every single person..... No I wasn't ''special''. It was a humongous disappointment. Angry, annoyed, dejected, almost furious, I decided to divorce my shadow. I started to walk, and she (yes I am sure she was a girl) followed me. I accelerated, she did the same. I ran, she ran too. Ok I must establish a stratagem... I would walk, and pay her no attention, and suddenly I would turn sharply and run and run. Two possible outcomes; first, she might not turn, but I didn't believe that; second, and it was a plan within a plan, the same beginning but just after turning, I would jump up high,, she would pass underneath me, and I would stop and run in the other direction. For me it was the perfect plan, and I tried it ! If you are going to ask me for the result, I think you are even crazier than I was...
After many hours of reflection, I discovered something very interesting. My shadow couldn’t see me inside another shadow. So, I hid inside the shadow of a big tree, and waited.... a loooooong time. I hoped my shadow would leave. That day I discovered a another thing: my shadow was more patient than me...
My rescue came with a slide. When I climbed up the steps, my shadow stayed on the ground... victory !!!!!! But just for the time when I was on the slide...
This is my first real memory. I was three, and I remember everything. The colors, the scents , the sun...and because of this, I want to share with you some pictures of sunsets and sunrises... the moment when shadows are born and die.
PS : I don't know why, but I have the feeling than I look less smart now...