A few weeks ago, some friends came to my home for Halloween. If you don’t know what Halloween is, or if you want know what I think about it, go and read this post : http://charles-camarda.blogspot.com/2009/09/usual-suspect.html
Everybody would love opening their door to Nicole Kidman, Liv Tyler (if she doesn’t talk), Pink Floyd (perhaps I need a bigger apartment) or The Beatles (but you need to be God’s best friend)… and on this night, the best option arrived, better than these guys lumped together…….or not…… The Addams Family…. It sucked… Where were Nicole and Liv?
Almost all the family was in my house (my cat is still in hiding). Under their masks, or perhaps their masks were their true faces, some of my friends were here. All scientists, all with PhDs…. And I promise, knowing these guys are working for your health, for your future, for the good of the world is scarier than your worst nightmares…
Sometime evolution plays a good trick, and now, I know why scientists have this reputation for being a little weird and crazy.