Thursday, June 16, 2011

Requiem for a Blog

My heart is broken, my eyes full of tears, my soul heavy and my mouth full of croissant (ok it’s not relevant but it’s morning, and I‘m French)….

So now I am sure you are asking, what’s happening? This croissant is much too expensive, and now I know the real reason for this international economic crisis. But the crisis is nothing compared to the bad news I’m about to tell you…

This post is the final post of my blog…. I know, it’s verrrrrrrrry difficult to read these words but all good thing must come to an end. Please don’t jump out the window, run out into traffic or worse melt your brain watching “Jersey Shore” on TV.

Instead, go on my website where you will find all the things you loved about my blog reincarnated as News, Gallery, Current Work and very soon, the Picture(s) of the Week.

When I say reincarnation, don’t imagine a zombie from the “Thriller” music video, but something more perfect and evolved like the phoenix rising from the ashes, as in the Harry Potter movie if you have no imagination (but now I am not sure the latter is a good example….. I don’t know what is worse; a zombie dancing in the street or a boy whining his way through 8 movies).

So see you soon on my website, and thank you for loyally reading my blog and for your continued support.