So more seriously, at this event, one thing was verrrrrrrry interesting (expect me of course), it was…… the food!!!!! I became a sushi addict. Free buffet (means extensive dieting after), all you can eat (means “I am not feeling very well right now, can I go outside for some fresh air”…) And at the moment when your stomach was working harder than your brain, some bands were playing good music. I was happy to be a part of the reenactment of a roman banquet …
Even more seriously, this was public’s first glimpse of some of the photographs from “The Human Face of Science”. The reactions were very good, positive and enthusiastic. Thank you very much, but if I can send this personal message to one of my fans: ”Please go home and don’t stay camped out under my windows, and don’t keeps stalking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’ . To the others, see you at the official exhibition…. Soon… Congratulations to the organizers, Labapalooza was an amazing success.
(for one time it's not my pictures...)