When you sing, you could have three results. First, the manufacturers of cochlear implants will employ you for life. The second is “yes it’s ok, it’s nice”, in a same tone as “Could you pass the salt please...” The third reaction is; you could find employment in a hair waxing salon and make a fortune. Why ? Because your voice is so perfect, than when you are singing, people’s hair stands on end, and now it’s very easy to remove. (Work with me people!!!!) Or if your name is Carlos Aznarez you could just sing like an angel and be totally brilliant.
I met Carlos, a few months ago, and immediately I liked this guy. The first reason is that we have the same first name. I think this name is a mark of distinction, intelligence, class and of course modesty (One of us has more of the final quality than the other. Guess who?). The second reason is simple, Carlos (not me, the other one) is really, really nice (humph, come to think of it, so am I, so forget the parentheses).
At Christmas I brought Carlos to a friend’s party to sing. His performance is still in everyone’s mind. I have had the chance to spend some time with him, and take some portraits of this talented tenor, singer/composer.