I came back from the wilds of Canada last weekend with many images in my head but more importantly more pictures in my camera... During my trip, I came across the cousins of wolves ; huskies and malamutes.
I had an appointment with the musher at 8.00 am, to see how he prepared his dogs for the sled. The first surprising thing is the size of the dog's team. It contains 40 dogs! I arrived at the trail just before the dogs' run, and in the middle of the trail, one big dog was curious to discover who was coming. I didn't know if I should greet this dog like a big puppy or like a wolf. I felt like a turkey during Thanksgiving day.
So, it was 8.00 am, the snow was falling, the temperature was verrrrrry cold, -35°c and adding in the wind factor, it was almost -42°c (-43.63°Fahrenheit). I had on many layers, a big coat, hat, two socks per foot, and gloveSSS. First hypotesis, the musher is the Yeti's brother. Big beard, big shoes, big hands, very big hands without gloves. If you saw me, you could see only my eyes, and to be exact, you could see only one eye. All my friends know that I do not fear the cold, but this morning was extremely hard to bear. Yet I watched this guy take care of the dogs like it was a spring day. Second hypothesis, the musher is a werewolf, and leads the pack like an alpha male. He spoke many strange words to these dogs...
More seriously, he explained the difference between the breeds of snow dogs, explained his life, without any vacation or days off, because he is the alpha male of his pack and he cannot ask another person to take care of his dogs... His life is at the same time beautiful, hard, and difficult...
Thank you for sharing your dream with me...