Known, in Japan by the name of "Mosura tai Gojira" and elsewhere by the name of " Mothra VS Godzilla", this movie features fairies, scientists and most importantly : a fight between a giant moth and a mutant dragon. This revered Japanese movie is a masterpiece ! You will love it... if you are Japanese.
My giant moth and mutant dragon are a hummingbird and a blue jay. When I was a child (it's a long time ago...) I saw on television a documentary about the hummingbird ; "oiseau-mouche" or colibri in french, (I don't know why, but a good friend of mine laughs at the french name... ''oiseau-mouche''.... It's not really funny but this guy is sometime a little strange I guess). So after this program I desperately hoped to see a hummingbird some day. When you are child, simple things make you happy, to day I need to be a lottery winnner to get the same high. This hummingbird is my Mothra...
When I arrived in Long Island, 18 month ago I saw a beautifull blue bird. My Godzilla. For the rest of the summer I hunted this beautifull bird (with a horrible screeching song... it can't have everythings, it's justice !). This bird loves to play hide and seek with my camera or if I spotted him he quickly flew into the distance.
Since the begining of last summer, I don't know why, but this bird became kinder and more sympathetic towards me. I was able to catch it in different poses. But even more exciting was the shooting of another species of blue jay during my last trip to California !
I don't know which bird is more intersting to me ? So it's my Mothra VS Godzilla.
Enjoy and if you have a recipe for one of those, send me an email (to understand this read my previous post ''The birds'').
PS : My stupid friend who laughed at ''oiseau-mouche'', gave me a compliment today. He saw one of my pictures, - a cactus, and said "Ho it's funny Charles, this picture looks like ''the Mac background plant''... So after ''Windows Vista Pictures'' (read my previous post)I should write a post on ''My future in the world of informartique ltd".
With that I'm sure to have a beautifull career as a photographer...
Humming bird
Blue jay from east coast

Blue jay from west coast