Cats like "The Gremlins" have rules. These rules are the same for both creatures, but not for the same reasons.
Firstly : Never wet cats ! Especially when you are in your apartment because, in two minutes the cat will run around the walls and rearrange your decor, with a lovely and unique "claws'' touch. If you like punk style you can try this but, just in case, don full plate armor for your protection and your own survival.
Secondly : Like "The Gremlins", cats are photo-sensitive ! For a cat it's not the light... but the "photo". When you are with your cat, you play with him, he looks so cute, he lies on his side and looks you with big eyes. It's the perfect moment for the picture. Your cat waits for you to arrive and the moment you turn on your camera, he leaves with a snobbish disdain.
Thirdly : Never give food to your cat after midnight ! Don't waste your time standing up, going to the kitchen and giving him food... A cat will serve himself from the garbage buffet style.
The cat's senses are highly developed. My cat is living proof of this. She can disinguish the screaming of the yogurt pot as it opened, from many other noises. I try to use the same stratagem when I want to call her - I mimic the sound of dry food... With no result...
It's funny, because I notice that my cat chooses the exact moment when I call her, to play her favorite game, "hide and seek". I think her grandmother must have been an ostrich, because she only hides her head... Is'nt a pity to have a cat not conscious of her own body ?
Many people say, '' Cats are very independant, even antisocial !" I do not think it is true. Cats are very social, above all when you decide to eat in front on the tv. At this time, your cat will show you all the love he has for you. This love has the same measure as the quantity of the food on your plate and decreases with it.
Nevertheless, I am a cat person. I love when my cat comes and lies along my arm to sleep, plays with me or purrs... at dinner-time...