A couple of months ago, a woman sent me an e-mail. She was looking for a photographer to take a picture of her and create a website, She said to me, ''I am a belly dancer, and I dance with a sword! I would also like some pictures with a snake"... At that moment, I believed I had lost my mind, or travelled to the twilight zone"... I thought, '' qu'est ce que c'est que cette zinzin..." ( I know it's in French but that’s how I think). The translation is "Who is this nutty lady" or as my Swedish friend would say “The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead!”...
When I met this woman in person, she told me about.... I don't remember, because she spoke such a lot, I just remember thinking that I must concentrate on keeping my ideas in my head.
After a few meeting to plan the photoshoot, we got to know each other, and now meet regularly… she had many problems with her computer! I can now say she is little eccentric, but primarily she is a wonderful dancer, and she is a very good human.
She dances at weddings, parties and other events. But to visualize her professionalism and grace, I suggest you visit her website www.serpentinebellydancer.com.
Thank you Leslie for being who you are.