Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Human face of the science

As you may know, I have started a photo project entitled "The human face of science".
By taking artistic black and white portraits of scientists, I'm trying to show their human nature, to make scientists closer and more available for the public opinion and to change the cliché image of the 'mad scientist'.
This collection of portraits is designed for an exhibition or in a further future for a book about scientists. Each picture will have a caption explaining the human side of the scientist as I have seen it.

Several scientists and students from CSHL have already accepted to pose for the project. I have tried to capture their very specific habits, expression or hobbies.
You can view these pictures at :

I'm still looking for scientists to pose and I would be delighted if you joined the club.
I'm looking for people with an interesting history or hobby.
Please let me know if you would be interested. Please do not hesitate to say no if it's the case.

I will be setting up my photo studio at the piano room in Davenport the week of January 10th.

Please let me know if you could come and when so that I can organize a schedule for you and for me.

The typical photo shooting takes less than 5 min, however I appreciate discussing with the people just before the shooting in order to better know them and capture their spirit. The whole process usually does not take more than 20min.
That would be great if you could bring any accessory that you think defines your personality or your hobby (outside of science!).

Please feel free to forward this email to other scientists that may be interested.