A few years ago I had a friend who was a student in psychology. One day she asked me to take a Rorschach test for training purposes. Now I suspect, that she wanted to lock me up in a psychiatric hospital...
So, she showed me the first picture and asked me : "What do you see ?". I answered very quickly :" a butterfly". She wrote my answer, and showed me the second picture and asked the same question. My response was the same for the second : "A butterfly."
I saw a butterfly in each of the first series of pictures. At this point she told me : "you can't see a butterfly in each picture. You must open your mind and try to see something else in this shape, not only butterflies!"
In the second series of the pictures I saw only butterflies... again... I was very annoyed because perhaps I was not normal. Maybe, my imagination was poor.... My attempt to help somebody has turned into a huge inner turmoil.
The years passed and my confusion stayed... One day I was organizing pictures of butterflies, and I remembered this test. I decided that this test exists only to create confusion and self doubt. Psychiatrists use it as an excuse to schedule many appointments and earn money. Those shapes are really butterflies, and if you try to see something else you're in trouble... Perhaps.